Observatory of Justice in Egypt 19 – 25 January, 2025


Summoning the Founder and Executive Director of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) Hossam Bahgat, investigating him and releasing him on L.E. 20,000 bail.

Continuation of renewal of detention for hundreds of citizens on terrorism cases.

TikToker Mohamed Allam, known as Rivaldo, appears before the State Security Prosecution investigating him in Case No. 9 of 2025.

Supreme State Security Prosecution refers cases to court and awaits the setting of sessions.

The Ministry of Interior grants an exceptional visit to prisoners on the occasion of the January Revolution and Police Day.

Administrative Judiciary in Mansoura refers the appeal by the defense of activist Mohamed Adel to the Administrative Judiciary in Cairo.


Prosecution Investigations:

Supreme State Security Prosecution:

During the bulletin’s coverage period; State Security Prosecution investigates dozens of citizens, including TikToker Mohamed Allam, known as Rivaldo, in Case No. 9 of 2025 Supreme State Security, under the Anti-Terrorism Law and remanded in custody.

Public Prosecution:

Thursday, 23 January

Faqous Prosecution in Sharqia investigated 4 citizens after arresting him from his home and accusing him of joining a terrorist group and spreading false news and statements. They are Abdel Moneim Hegab, Abdel Shafei Al-Shaarawy, Eid Makram, and Ahmed Gab Allah.

Detention Renewal:

Sunday, 19 January

The Supreme State Security Prosecution renewed the detention of journalist Ahmed Bayoumi for 15 days pending case No. 5054 of 2024 Supreme State Security, on charges of joining a terrorist group and publishing false news and statements.

The Supreme State Security prosecution renewed the detention of journalist Sayed Saber for 15 days pending case No. 6499 of 2024 Supreme State Security on the same charges.

Monday, 20 January

The Supreme State Security prosecution renewed the detention of economic expert Abdel Khaleq Farouk for 15 days pending investigations into Case No. 4937 of 2024, Supreme State Security, on the same charges.

Tuesday, 21 January

Cairo Criminal Court, Terrorism Chamber -III, held at Badr Prison considered a session to renew the detention of hundreds of citizens pending cases Nos. 1365 of 2018, 534 of 2020, 1056 of 2020, 590 of 2021, 508 of 2023, 524 of 2023, 717 of 2023, 1816 of 2023, 1973 of 2023, 2063 of 2023 including journalist Mohamed Saad Khattab, 2154 of 2023, 2527 of 2023, 2901 of 2023, 3387 of 2023, 165 of 2024 including activist Ahmed Hamdi, known as Ahmed Gika, 523 of 2024, 755 of 2024, 756 of 2024, 1128 of 2024, 1408 of 2024, 1570 of 2024, 1641 of 2024, 2285 of 2024, 2801 of 2024, 2807 of 2024, 2810 of 2024 including dentist Sherif El-Saqqa, 3973 of 2024, 4092 of 2024, Supreme State Security.

Wednesday, 22 January

Cairo Criminal Court, Terrorism Chamber -III, held at Badr Prison considered a session to renew the detention of hundreds of citizens pending cases Nos. 759 of 2014, 148 of 2017, 700 of 2017, 640 of 2018, 1555 of 2018, 1739 of 2018, 1413 of 2019, 549 of 2020, 910 of 2021, 2000 of 2021, 635 of 2022, 1539 of 2022, 1634 of 2022 including activist Sherif El-Rouby, 1960 of 2022, 2094 of 2022, 2515 of 2022, 60 of 2023, 85 of 2023, 258 of 2023, 440 of 2023, 931 of 2023, 1468 of 2023, 1978 of 2023, 2369 of 2023, 2526 of 2023, 2992 of 2023, 3460 of 2023, 3615 of 2023, 655 of 2024, 1281 of 2024, 1940 of 2024, 4356 of 2024, Supreme State Security


Sunday, 19 January

Supreme State Security Prosecution released Founder and Executive Director of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) Hossam Bahgat on L.E. 20,000 bail after investigating him in Case No. 6 of 2025, Supreme State Security, and accusing him of spreading false news and statements and participating with a terrorist group in achieving its goals.

Supreme State Security prosecution released Yemeni refugee Abdul-Baqi Saeed in case No. 2993 of 2021, Supreme State Security, on charges of joining a terrorist group with knowledge of its objectives, and contempt of the Islamic religion following his conversion from Islam to Christianity.


The security forces 10th of Ramadan Police Station in Sharqia released Tamer Azouz after completing the procedures of his release and receiving the signal from National Security.


Saturday, 19 January

Cairo Criminal Court, Terrorism Chamber-I, held in Badr Prison postponed the retrial of 1 defendant, in Case No. 13052 of 2022, known as the case of Agouza Cell to the session of 17 February 2025.

Cairo Criminal Court, Terrorism Chamber-I, held in Badr Prison postponed the retrial of 21 defendants, in Case No. 8666 of 2024, October Felonies-II, known as the case of the Specialized Working Group, to the session of 15 February 2025.

Monday, 20 January

Cairo Criminal Court, Terrorism Chamber-I, held in Badr Prison postponed the retrial of 2 defendants, in Case No. 3257 of 2023, Marg Felonies, known as Marg Cell to the sentencing session of 17 May 2025.

Cairo Criminal Court, Terrorism Chamber-I, held in Badr Prison postponed the retrial of 2 defendants, in Case No. 1320 of 2024, known as the case of Front Cell to the session of 6 April 2025.

Tuesday, 21 January

Mansoura Administrative Court decided to refer appeal No. 67241 of 46 judicial, by the defense of activist Mohamed Adel against the Public Attorney of South Mansoura General Prosecution on implementing the four-year sentence in case No. 2981 of 2023, Aga misdemeanors, without counting the pretrial detention, to Cairo Administrative Court, Chamber-I.

Saturday, 9 January

Cairo Criminal Court, Terrorism Chamber-III, held in Badr Prison postponed the retrial of defendant, in the Case known as the case of the murder of —– to the session of 9 February 2025.

Cairo Criminal Court, Terrorism Chamber-III, held in Badr Prison postponed the retrial of defendant, in the Case known as the case of —– cell to the session of 10 February 2025.

Decisions and legislation:

Pardoning the remaining sentence for 4,466 citizens who meet the conditions of Presidential Pardon Decision No. 18 of 2025 in conjunction with the celebrations of the January 25 Revolution and Egyptian Police Day.

Statements and Information:

Monday, 20 January

The Ministry of Interior denied in a statement the circulated news on social media of a video clip showing a car driver hitting someone during a fight at a gas station and claiming that one of the parties involved was a police officer.

Actions of Public Prosecution

During the Whole Week

State Security Prosecution and investigating judges, referred cases numbers 706 of 2019, 2572 of 2022, 1960 of 2022, 1096 of 2022, 2215 of 2022, 1958 of 2022, 1118 of 2019, 2556 of 2021, 1473 of 2022, 2514 of 2022, 96 of 2023, 569 of 2020, to the Cairo Court of Appeal to set a session before the terrorism chambers to consider the matter.

Prison News:

Granting an exceptional visit for prison inmates, starting from 26 January until 26 February, and it is not counted as part of the regular visits, on the occasion of the January Revolution and Police Day.

Legal Comment

The presidential pardons for criminal detainees came as a positive step. However, the fact that such pardons did not include any political cases raises serious questions about the intentions to achieve justice as well as proves a weak point, not to mention sending a negative message about the lack of seriousness in containing political tensions or addressing grievances in Egypt.
